Sunday, August 30, 2009

Post NC Trip thoughts and ramblings

In a nutshell, a word to describe this weekend was "Wow". From taking a red-eye flight, rooming with the celebrants, to road cycling, then becoming an unofficial photographer for Danniel's baptism, this weekend was quite jam-packed with memorable events.

I visited a coworker and meet her family-- her two kids, Kaiya, and Aiden. After a great 30 mins of enjoying their great company, we (Erica, Jay, and myself) set out for a challenging 30-mile trek on roads filled with rolling hills near Wendell, NC. It was a beautiful ride complete with great company. I have only to look forward to meeting folks locally who are just as fun and entertaining.

On to Friday. Friday rolls around, we were able to visit Tyler's workplaces, both the movie theatre (that does dining as well), as well as his firehouse. Beautiful spots, both of them. Photos will be included.

Saturday comes along. The big day for the little one, Danniel's baptism. What a great kid :) He is such a people-oriented and friendly person-- inspiring and cute.

Sunday sneaks around the corner, with our flight departing from RDU at 6:15 am. (In PST timezone, that's 3:15 am. Ouch.) We pull an all nighter, head out to RDU and make it on the first flight. Our stopover was at Minneapolis, MN for about 2 - 3 hours. What a great place! The airport was more like a mall rather than the other hectic transfer points like ATL or DFW. (Those two are another can of words meant to be opened on a nother day)

All in all, what a wonderful and perfect time to have taken a vacation. Good memories, great company, and memories that have been recorded.

PS: Cookout grill and Bo'Jangles are the bomb. Cheddar-style burgers with a peach-cobbler shake rock!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Arrived in Atlanta, GA on our way to RTP, NC.

Wow... interesting flight. We flew from SFO to ATL, and midway through the flight, we heard a dog. WTF????? Anyway, I was amazed that this dog was travelling first class..... had a better seat than we did. Wow, the life of a dog, and their wealthy owner. More power to them.

Anyway, I found it interesting how chippery folks are here in the morning... After red-eye flights, my interactive vocabulary with other folks has dwindled down to single-syllable responses.

1 more hour until our next flight departs, then off to RDU. More updates to come.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

All packed....

Heading out to North Carolina tomorrow.
... All my gear packed, and ready to go.....

Time to go to sleep.

Unix Rocks!

Monday, August 24, 2009

My first blog. Ever.

Greetings folks! Welcome to my first official blog/banter entry.

Current thoughts: Great Jazz music playing in background. I am looking to find a venue to post my random occurrences that I can call my own. Separate from myspace, or facebook, just somewhere I can post my portfolio, and anything that I come across..... applescripts, quotations, anything noteworthy or cool. One thing I figured is that we have a multitude of tools available to help document our day to day lives creatively, in my case, I would like to accomplish this digitally, with photos, cohesive sentences, and posts.

I hope you find this as an exciting journey as I am.

Hope to see you around during a photo or cycling adventure!